An important method of stabilizing moisture levels in timber yards

The timber industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. With the increase of the new technologies are applied to wood, the price of timber is skyrocketing. In addition, the timber industry is also very competitive. Therefore, providing high-quality wood must be a priority for manufacturers. The average wood moisture requirement is around 9%, so storing wood safely has always been challenging. Moreover, due to the different seasons and changing climatic conditions, the air humidity fluctuates continuously, which poses a challenge to keep the wood humidity constant can lead to a decline in wood quality.

The moisture in wood is directly related to the humidity in the air. According to the laws of physics, a hygroscopic material is in balance with the humidity of the surrounding air. As the surrounding humidity level increases, the wood humidity also rises to maintain balance. Therefore, to maintain the wood’s quality, the wood should not absorb any additional moisture. By mathematical calculation, if the wood humidity is to be kept at 11%, the air humidity should be kept at 55%, and if the air humidity is to be kept at 9%, the air humidity should be set at 43%. In this case, the use of dehumidification will have better control of moisture. More to the point, it also can prevent mold growth and ensure the high quality of the woods.

What type of dehumidifiers is suitable for timber yards? There is no direct answer to this question. Choosing which dehumidifier to use is controlled by many factors. If you have any needs or questions, please feel free to contact our expert team. Alorair has high-performance dehumidifiers. Our dehumidifiers can be used for large timber yards as well as for small timber yards. In addition, our experts can customize the specific plan according to your actual situation.

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