Return Policy

Cancel order
Customers may contact the official AlorAir store by email or phone within 24 hours of placing the order to cancel it.
Please note that if the product has already been shipped, a transaction fee may be charged depending on the payment channel.

*Please note that our cancelation service is only available on business days and during business hours. Therefore, we recommend that you submit your cancelation request during business hours so that we can respond to you as soon as possible.

30 Days Refund Guarantee

For any valid reason, a customer may opt to request for a product return if the claim is made within 30 days from the date of purchase. But eligibility for a refund or a replacement varies depending on the reason for such return. Take note of the following guidelines:

*A customer can return a defective product and claim a full refund or replacement if the company is deemed at fault of such damage. In this case, the company will pay for the shipping fee of the product back and forth.

*For reasons such as mistaken purchase or the sudden needlessness of using the product, a customer may still return it back, but they will have to pay for the shipping fee and 20% restocking fees. Take note that in this case, any damage done to the product while it is in the customer or their chosen courier’s possession will be deducted from the amount of refund that will be given back to the customer. AlorAir Solutions Inc. reserve the right to decline a return request due to various reasons.

Important Notes:

*Given the above cases, a thorough inspection shall be done to validate such reason for any defective product. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Keep the item's packaging in case warranty service is required.
It is always best to reach out to any of our customer service representatives for a proper assistance. You may contact us via call, email, or live chat, Monday to Friday, 7AM-4PM (PST).

Phone Number: 1-888-990-7469