Fire Damage Restoration and Cleanup

July 13,2020

Fire damage restoration is one of the hardest parts of dealing with fire damage. It is hard to figure out what remains of your home after the fire fighting trucks and personnel leave your premises in the aftermath of a fire. They may have helped you to put out the physical fire, but little do they ever realize that the fire dead is often hotter than even the one they just put out. You are likely to remain devastated, wondering where to begin reconstructing from. The anxiety that catches up with everyone regarding the insurance process will not leave you either. After the fire, there is a whole world of things to do. Some of them must be done immediately. A common challenge in most homes where a fire has caused damage is how to clean up the suit and get rid of the smoke. It is evident that while every fire incident is unique and needs a unique approach to handling, there are some commonalities. Look at the steps below for a hint at what you should do if a fire damages your home or office.

    1.Contact Emergency Services

The fire number is commonly displayed in public places in most jurisdictions. There are also private emergency services that you can contract to help you out in the event of a fire. Alorair fire emergency and restoration teams are available to offer advice if you are caught in a fire situation.  Remember, whatever the circumstances, call emergency service, even if it is 911. These emergency response teams have a network through which they will coordinate and send relevant help your way.

    2.Fire Damage Inspection and Assessment

The second step you should take after a fire incident on your premises is to secure the services of a qualified fire damage assessment expert. Remember that such a person must be certified by the authorities. They are, usually, qualified engineers and or public health officers. The intention of conducting an assessment is to determine the extent of the fire damage at your premises. Such a report is what the insurance will use to also determine what you will be compensated for and if you will be compensated at all. Remember that there are some types of fire damage that insurance does not cover. The assessor will also determine the extent of soot and smoke and what measures should be taken to avert further damage. In short, the assessment is the basis for developing an action plan.

    3.Arrange for Board-up service 

Arrange for board up service. They will either quickly replace shutters or windows that have been damaged at your home to allow you to stay in again, or arrange for alternative accommodation while restoration goes on.

    4.Removal of water and drying service

The fire fighting trucks spray and splash plenty of water in the process of fire fighting. It is important to make plans to have the water evacuated after the trucks leave. Contract Alorair or similar service company to remove water after fire damage. They will help to dehumidify your space and make it habitable again.

    5.Remove Soot and Smoke

 Get a company with specialized service for dealing with after-fire soot and smoke. There will be plenty of it on your walls, ceilings, and floors.

    6.Clean and Sanitize

 Arrange for the clean-up of the premises and property after a fire. Some companies provide such services.

    7.Restore your premises

This is an effort directed at restoring your place to the condition it was in before the fire. This involves major and or minor repairs. It may involve repainting, replacement of carpets, and general reconstruction of your space.