Things to Consider When Buying Air Scrubber for Restoration

AlorAir Team | April 8, 2020

Have you ever realized that your indoor air is much more polluted than outside? The polluted and impure air quality inside your home is the major cause of health ailments, allergies, respiratory diseases, and many more. All these factors have made an air scrubber a necessity for every home. Although it is essential to keep …

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The Value of Air Scrubbers in Restoration Work

AlorAir Team | April 6, 2020

Air Scrubbers also called negative air scrubbers or negative air machine is a portable filtration system that is used to clean and deodorize the area by removing particles, gases, and chemicals from it. It is mostly used to remove the smoke after the fire, and moldy smell often produces in the water damaged area. The …

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How to Prevent Humidity in Your Basement and Crawl Space?

AlorAir Team | April 1, 2020

The maximum air you breathe in your home reaches you from your crawl space or basement. It is, therefore, very important to ensure that the air entering your living area is pure and free from any kind of septicity. If you notice a frowsty odor or mold growth in the crawl space or basement then …

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How to Prepare Your Home to Prevent Yourself from Heat?

AlorAir Team | March 31, 2020

The summer months can be one of the most electricity-consuming months of the year which raises your energy costs quite significantly because of the high demand for air conditioning. It can be really expensive to keep your home comfortable in soaring temperatures. It is not just expensive but can also be dangerous. If you keep …

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How to Neutralize Smoke and Odor?

AlorAir Team | March 26, 2020

Smoke whether it rises from your fireplace or cigarette smoking, its long existence in your home results in the worst odor. A similar stuffy smell is also common in your car if you are a regular cigarette smoker. Slowly this odor gets impregnated into your fibers of upholstery, carpet, and clothing. At home, it is …

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How to Buy Quality Air Mover?

AlorAir Team | March 25, 2020

Air movers, also known as industrial air blowers, commercial blowers, and inflatable blowers are a great tool for restoring a water damaged area. They are similar to fans that are primarily used to increase air circulation to speed up the process of evaporation and to dries up the dampened areas. Although they work similarly to …

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How Can You Control Moisture and Reduce Humidity Economically?

AlorAir Team | March 21, 2020

The summer season not only raises the temperature of the atmosphere but also make it humid. Too much moisture can annoy you and make you feel uncomfortable. The high moisture percentage in the air not only affects your mood but also cause potential damage to your home. The high humidity can lead to the following …

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What Should You Do After a Storm Hits?

AlorAir Team | March 17, 2020

You are agitated, is there anything you can do to help? When are professionals needed? All these are commonly pondered the question with not enough probable answers. The ability to get your life on track along with rebuilding your home depends on your swiftness and knowledge in knowing what to do at such trying times. …

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Dehumidifier: Fact or Fiction?

AlorAir Team | March 14, 2020

Sometimes in the Summer Noon, you start feeling stiflingly hot, even when you are inside, it is because of humidity. As the temperature rises, the level of humidity in your room also increases with it.  The impact of humidity can be very minor and even immense which can make you feel restless. Humidity also multiplies …

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8 Tips to Find Indoor Air Quality

AlorAir Team | March 12, 2020

Knowing how to improve the indoor air quality of the home can protect your family’s health and help you spend less time cleaning. However, most of us take indoor air quality for granted as we believe that the walls and windows will keep the dust and smog out of our homes. But that’s seldom enough, …

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