Seeking Asylum During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Shelter managers and public health professionals are taking steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19 among people seeking shelter in severe weather events.

Here are some tips to help you prepare and reduce the risk of infection while staying safe in the shelter.

Prepare for asylum

  • If you may need to evacuate, please prepare a carry-on supply containing your personal items for use in an emergency. Including hand sanitizer, soap, disinfectant wipes, and masks.
  • Check whether the local public shelter is open, just in case you need to evacuate the house and go there. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, your shelter location may not be able to accommodate this year.
  • When evacuating, please follow the guidance of local public health or emergency management personnel.
  • Please follow safety precautions when using transportation vehicles for evacuation.

Protect yourself and others in public shelters

  • Practice social distancing. Keep at least 6 feet away from other people outside the home.
  • Wash your hands frequently and follow the shelter’s policy on wearing masks. Avoid sharing food and drinks with anyone as much as possible.
  • Follow disaster shelter policies and procedures designed to protect everyone in the shelter, especially those who are at a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
  • Avoid touching surfaces as much as possible, such as handrails. After touching these surfaces, please wash your hands immediately with soap and water, or use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • Keep the house clean and disinfect frequently touched items. Using some air purification equipment such as ALORAIR PureAiro HEPA Pro 970 Air Scrubber will be very helpful for you.
  • If you feel unwell when you arrive at the shelter or start to feel unwell during asylum, please inform the asylum staff immediately.
  • Help your children stay safe while in public shelters
  • Teach and strengthen daily preventive measures to keep children healthy.
  • Be a good role model if you wash your hands often, your child is more likely to do so.
  • Help your child keep at least 6 feet away from anyone who is not in your home.
  • Pay attention to whether your child has any signs of illness and tell the shelter staff if your child may be sick.

Try to deal with this disaster calmly and confidently, as this can provide the best support for your child. Help children deal with emergencies.

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