Frequent Compressor Delay Countdown...

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I have a Storm LGR Extreme... It seems to work well, but when it reaches the humidistat setting, it will short cycle and frequently enter a 150sec compressor delay countdown.  Is this normal operation?  Below are operating parameters that are recorded when the machine turns on and is working normally with the humidistat at 50%:

Inlet: 78 deg, 50%

Outlet: 107 deg, 9%

Compressor Temp: 46 deg

Again, the unit seems to be working... I would just like to understand the conditions that cause a compressor delay mode. and is that normal when the humidity reaches the humidistat setting.



Normally, there is a delay when the machine stops running for less than three minutes and then starts up again, and the cumulative delay time is 3 minutes.

Mine does the same call customer support they said that was normal but 2 run for a few hours then check it showed again they are sending me new mother board

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