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Hello, I build homes with Habitat For Humanity as a Project Manager and restore homes (completely) as a Hurricane/Disaster Relief Specialist. I just purchased your dehumidifier for my crawl space and opened the box to see the warranty card, and where it asks for "installer", installer date/etc. and an "order number". In order to have the warranty be in effect, even though I am fully capable and more than experienced to install this myself, am I REQUIRED to pay a company to install this simply to suffice the requirements of your warranty card, or am I allowed to install it myself? If I can do it, how should I proceed with the warranty card? Do I put "customer installed" in the installer space, fill out all the rest of my information on the card, and put "n/a" for the order number?


Hi Dylan,

If you install it yourself, please refer to the warranty terms in the user manual. Thanks

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