Why Are Dehumidifiers Crucial in the Automotive Industry?

AlorAir Team | November 8, 2021

Fluctuations in humidity levels can create many potential problems for industrial operations and manufacturing. Inappropriate humidity can also increase uncertainty about the value of a product, which can be a scary thing for investors. Among them, the auto industry has a good market in the world. Cars are expensive goods, so they generate good profits …

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How to Prevent Electronic Device Failure with a Dehumidifier

AlorAir Team | October 19, 2021

How do you keep your electronics from failing? That’s easy – you use a dehumidifier! This handy device can prevent corrosion and failure of circuit boards, USB ports, and other sensitive components, resulting in data loss or expensive repair costs. Here’s how to get the most out of your dehumidifier and keep your electronics safe, …

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The Function Of Dehumidifier In Storing Products

AlorAir Team | October 14, 2021

To avoid spoilage of stored food, the humidity of stored food should be kept below 50%. If the humidity reaches 70 %, it is enough to form mold growth. Some industrial products can become corrode or lumpy because of the moisture. There are two ways can solve this problem. One is to use a heating …

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Whether the pellets need to be dried?

AlorAir Team | September 16, 2021

Pellets are hygroscopic, so wet conditions can damage their quality. Pellets are fragile in the production and storage stage. Therefore, setting up a high-performance desiccant dehumidifier can effectively protect these pellets from being damaged. Neglecting proper air conditioning production and storage can be counterproductive. Biofuels are damaged by humidity because they are like untreated raw wood …

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How to cope with sugars’ extreme hygroscopicity in the bakery

AlorAir Team | August 31, 2021

What is Hygroscopicity? Hygroscopicity describes how easily a substance will absorb moisture from the atmosphere. Sugar is hygroscopic because it readily absorbs water, and that is why sugar in the air can cause sugar syrup to solidify and sugar on a surface to crystallize. The main issue with sugar in the bakery is that it …

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How to prevent water corrosion of seashore wind turbines

AlorAir Team | August 30, 2021

Around the seashore, the level of humidity is high. Because of the massive bodies of water, sometimes the humidity level will reach 100%. The surface and internal part of the turbine will have condensation when the temperature plummets at night. And it can be potential damage to the system of the wind turbine. The main …

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Dehumidification for the carpet industry

AlorAir Team | August 24, 2021

The process of cleaning and drying a carpet depends on the type of fiber in the carpet. Carpets that are not correctly washed or dried can suffer so much damage that they cannot be used again. To protect the floor not exposed for a long time, cleaning and drying the carpet must be completed as …

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An important method of stabilizing moisture levels in timber yards

AlorAir Team | August 23, 2021

The timber industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. With the increase of the new technologies are applied to wood, the price of timber is skyrocketing. In addition, the timber industry is also very competitive. Therefore, providing high-quality wood must be a priority for manufacturers. The average wood moisture requirement is around …

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Application of the dehumidifiers in the confectionery industry

AlorAir Team | August 18, 2021

Candy is one of the most popular foods. Candy products include chewing gum, sweets, and chocolate. The global confectionery industry has grown every year except during the COVID-19 outbreak, so competition among manufacturers has increased dramatically. Humidity is a huge challenge for both the small-sized home candy industry and the large-sized industry. Because the main …

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Application of dehumidifier in hotel

AlorAir Team | August 17, 2021

Hotel as a service industry, the comfort of the living environment directly impacts the customer’s consumer experience. The air quality inside a hotel and its live environment are the critical factors that directly affect the success of a hotel. When the humidity in hotels is out of control, it can lead to the following adverse …

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