HD55 fan and compressor running but not collecting water

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HD55 indicator panel show all green lights (power, comp.) and displays the correct humidifty level (65%) as verfiied with an external hygrometer (65%) .  The fan and compressor are running however the HD55 unit is not collecting any water.  Fan blowing cold air instead of previously it was blowing warm air. Also tried continuous mode but it did not make a difference.


Hi Stephan,

It may be caused by refrigerant leakage.


To my understanding when a dehumidifier is running, the cooling coil (evaporator) should be cool to the touch.  If the refrigirant leaked then the evaporator (cooling coil) would not be cool to the touch.  In my case, it is cool to the touch.  The rotary compressor the outlet pipe at the top is hot to the touch.  Then I suspect the refrigerant did not leaked.  Is this a correct deduction on my part? 

Hi Stephan,

You are right.

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